“During my session with Lylah, I purposely gave very little to no feedback. I controlled my facial expressions and remained mostly uncommunicative about the reading. I wanted and untainted and uninfluenced interpretation. I was shocked to hear about my emotional barriers, possible future paths, relationship knowledge, and information on needed resolution. Even for things I already possessed self-knowledge of, it was alarming to see it illustrated and read to me. It became a point of deep reflection and a catalyst for change.”

— Natasha G.

“I had no idea what to expect, but I was filled with a sense of reassurance after a session with Lylah. She is insightful and soft spoken but confident. I really enjoyed the whole experience!”

— Aki J.

“Lylah has a strong intuitive sense and an ability to understand people deeply. During her reading for me, she was able to pull out the most meaningful parts of my life and draw connections across different areas-helping me understand my gifts and purpose in new ways.”

— Raegan K.

Having a divination with Lylah was almost as if I was being divined for by the great Elder Malidoma himself. The reading was very professional, detailed, insightful, revealing, and highly confirming. I was very relaxed and comfortable and totally absorbed. I was so moved by the session, I booked one for my son the very next day.

Through my personal consultation and also having had Dagara group-ritual experience with Lylah, I have come to know her as being deeply intuitional and connected with the spirit and nature/animal realms. Lylah’s authenticity shines bright and her character is one of patience, honesty, and wisdom, with a sweet and pleasant personality.

I definitely recommend a cowrie shell divination with Lylah for anyone who is considering it.

Angel (Angela S. M. Dill)